Friday, December 19, 2008

Last Night in Hohhot

Wen Jun thinks my hair smells like candy.  :-)
Adorable Chinese girls
Avree's hair drawing a crowd
McDonald's play-place - bringing children together.
Macie's pic for Doopey and AuntT

I can't believe we are leaving Hohhot tomorrow morning!  When we arrived, I couldn't imagine how we would survive 6 days in 2 tiny hotel rooms with 4 children.  Now, it's over and we're off to Guangzhou in the morning.  We are looking forward to the warm, Florida-like weather.  We received Wen Jun's Chinese passport today, but for the rest of the day, just lazed around and relaxed.  We're finally getting our body-clocks set to China and can sleep in a bit - just in time to come back West!  The girls are all great - getting a little cabin fever - but all is well.  Miss all of you tremendously!  Thanks for the emails and comments- so great to hear from home.


Anonymous said...

we love the photos and also macie's keen eye for design! we're writing from denver airport (delayed - blizzard clogging the northeast) thinking of you and your transits...

Mirjam said...

A cross between Elvis and the Virgin Mary with hair smelling like candy. Can't wait till WJ sees the highschoolpicture with the checkered pants.

Have a save trip to Guangzhou, if your guide is Connie: give her a HUG!

Anonymous said...

Hi guys! Hope you are having fun in China! Your family is so cute, and you guys are so nice, the perfect friends for my parents and I. I can't wait to meet Wen Jun!!! If I don't see you before then, I wish your family a very Merry Christmas!!!
