Macie pretending to eat a pigeon head at our
traditional Cantonese going-away dinner
Daddy's girls
All the new adoptees
Mama's girl
LiLi Xi Hua and Jenna Mei in their Chinese dresses
Wow, we're at the end of the road, and the beginning of a new journey. We are finishing up our 3rd hour of packing for a 4:30am wake up call tomorrow morning. We will leave Guangzhou at 8:30am, fly to Tokyo, Detroit, Atlanta and home to Ft Myers by 11pm. Over 25 hours of travel! Wen Jun is excited, nervous, scared, etc. We had our final swearing in at the US Consulate here, today, and it was like a weight was lifted off all of our shoulders. Sometimes, I think she kept wondering if something would go wrong at some point.
We thank all of you for following along with our blog and we hope to continue to post updates when we get home. Your words of encouragement were so wonderful! Say a prayer for our safe travels, if you get a chance.
Much love to you and we'll see you in a day or so!
The Linne 6
OK, I guess a few words from the new father are in order. How about... toilet paper... shampoo... endless talking and giggling... and a spigot from my wallet. Those are the words that come to the top of my mind.
Actually, I am feeling very blessed from this trip. A wonderful new daughter that will add so much to our already incredible family and tremendous learning about life and the rest of our family has made this one of the most valuable experiences in my life.
Seeing my daughters give selflessly at the orphanage and at the school. Watching my wife love, live, laugh, and organize us was an incredible site to see. She is an incredible woman that has brought these types of experiences to my life and I am forever indebted to her for opening my eyes to a life of true service.
I have missed Tiffany so much on this trip. She is so much a part of our family and I could picture her at every venue and I wished so much that she could be with us. I pray that she and Wen Jun will get to know each other in the years to come.
For me, well, I have been humbled and brought to a global perspective over the last 17 days. When you see children that are being adopted in the midst of many others that will never know what it means to have a family, it makes you feel pretty incompetent. When you hear a young woman speak of the inability to even fathom being able to cast a vote on how her government will direct her life, you feel very empowered. When you hear that children who have disabilities that are very easily repaired in the U.S. and that are accepted if they are not, are not able to get an education, not able to find work, and unable to get govt. support, you feel incredibly sad. When you see a little girl, with a small amount of vision in one eye, look closely into her new mothers eyes and say "I love you mommy", I become blinded by my tears.
China is an incredible place. They have figured things out that we have lost or never understood. We can learn a lot from these people. I have found that we can all learn a lot from others who are different from us.
The world is truly flat.
It is so flat that someone like me could marry a simple and wonderful woman from New Mexico, and be allowed to serve in this incredible way. Many will say we have made a great impact on the world. But, I will tell you that the "world has made an incredible impact on us".
We love you all and appreciate your following our journey. We are blessed that you care.